How to Prioritize Corrective Actions

One of the toughest aspects of problem solving is the implementation of solutions. If you have an analytical mind, you usually have no problem with the early stages of the problem solving process. Defining the problem, chartering the project, selecting the key KPIs, even analyzing potential root causes happen quickly and seamlessly. Those with a creative and collaborative mind, also thrive when it comes to generating new ideas, engaging stakeholders and partnering with them or trying out some low resolution prototyping.

However, the real lynchpin of problem solving is in the implementation of solutions and corrective actions. Without a flawless execution of this stage, all the other efforts of the problem solving enterprise are for naught. Surprisingly, when asking project managers why they struggle with this stage, they never say that they don’t have any ideas on what to do. Their issues always surround prioritization, motivation, and engagement. In this post, I will tackle the issues of how to prioritize corrective actions and ensure high motivation. In a subsequent post, I’ll handle issues of continued engagement.

Keeping Priorities Simple.

Priorities are always a loaded topic. This is because different people have different ideas about what should be done first and what deserves time, attention, and money. Therefore, any cursory search of the topic “how to prioritize…” will yield results with many diverse and sometimes contradictory ideas about what to prioritize. Whichever framework you choose to select for prioritizing, it should meet several criteria.

  1. It should explain how to prioritize, not what to prioritize - First and foremost, we want to teach people to fish, not hand them a fish. Giving somebody a framework that explains what to prioritize misses the point entirely. We want to sharpen our skills and create head knowledge that we can apply to any situation no matter how new or novel.

  2. It should be simple to use - The framework shouldn’t be overly complex to use. Complexity will cause analysis paralysis right at the very moment when we should be moving quickly with a bias towards action. Keeping the priority model simple ensures we spend more time doing and less time deliberating.

  3. it should be simple to explain - Not only should it be easy to use for the project team, it should also be easy to explain to stakeholders. If your method of prioritization distracts from your story rather than supports your story, consider a new framework.

  4. it should be validated in reality - I’ve seen many frameworks and models that look beautiful and sophisticated, but are far too abstract. When it comes to prioritizing things, we need to do it based on constraints we experience in reality, not through abstract reasoning.

The Impact Effort Matrix

The framework that I use, and recommend most, is the Impact-Effort Matrix. This matrix satisfies all of the conditions we listed above. It is simple to use and explain, it is a means of determining priorities, and both effort and impact are two concrete ideas we can all relate to.

The Matrix itself is a 2x2 grid. On the vertical, we indicate whether a proposed corrective action will yield a high impact or a low impact. And likewise, on a the horizontal, we indicate whether the corrective action will require high effort or low effort.

The benefit of using extremes, high and low with no middle ground, keeps the model simple and allows you to quickly map all the potential solutions onto the matrix.

Using the Impact Effort Matrix

There are some questions that arise, though. What if you’re not sure of what the impact of something is or how much effort is required? Because the impact effort matrix is so simple and so qualitative whether than quantitative, it invariable has this limitation. It is a subjective tool. My recommendation is to make your best guess. Try to mirror the risk tolerances and culture of your organization as well. So if your organization is more risk adverse, your mapping should reflect this organizational norm.

The following two photos show an example from a recent project where the project team looked at improving Employee Leave processing for an HR organization.

In my experience I’ve found these rules of thumb to be helpful:

  1. Any internal process change is low impact-low effort.

  2. Any cross-functional process change is a high impact-high effort

  3. Any additioanl technology is a high-impact-high effort.

  4. Standardization is a high impact-low effort.

  5. Digitization without new technology is a high impact-low effort.

  6. Automation without new technology is a high impact-low effort.

Actually Prioritizing with the Impact Effort Matrix

Prioritizing with the Impact-Effort matrix is pretty straight forward. We want to start with the activities that will yield a high impact with minimal effort. Conversely, we want to save the activities that require high effort but don’t promise much in return for last. The real question is what to do about the low impact-low effort and the high-impact high-effort activities. Which ones should we start with?

My personal recommendation is to address all of the low impact-low effort opportunities first, before moving to the high effort activities. I do this for a number of reasons.

  1. low impact low effort opportunities are usually quick and allow you to work out the kinks of execution, accountability, and improvement tracking.

  2. You can demonstrate proof of concept for the problem solving method, as well as your competence as a leader (both are invaluable when addressing high effort opportunities).

  3. You create a culture and cadence of success. Team engagement and morale will be at an all time high before heading into higher effort activities.


Prioritizing improvements and corrective actions is the first part of making changes and it’s one of the most important aspects of problem solving. Having a good framework that is simple to understand and easy to use is critical to achieving results while also managing team dynamics like morale, engagement and motivation. There are many different ways to prioritize what needs to be done. The Impact Effort matrix is my personal favorite because of its simplicity and usability. Next time you are managing a project or implementing improvements, consider using the Impact Effort Matrix to help you prioritize what to do next.

Michael Parent

Michael Parent is CEO of the Problem Solving Academy and author of “The Lean Innovation Cycle” a book that explores the intersection of Problem Solving, Lean and Human Centered Design. Throughout his career, Michael has coached executives through strategic problem solving, strategy, and operations management and has led numerous projects in a variety of industries.


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